Recently I read a post on Facebook Business Page asking their fans what sort of fashion you are
"diggin'" now, as taste and fashion changes so fast & frequent. I chuckled to myself
because that very topic has been gnawing at me lately. I'm sure you may have noticed, I don't
really favor one style. There are so many I like to experiment with. In there lies my concern,
does my eclectic taste confuse my followers? Perhaps, time will tell I suppose! Let's clarify
before I move on, my style is NULL, I am referring to my Daughter's style that it! If you want to
I do know I have never been a fan of any type of main stream children's characters on
clothing...nope, not all. My sons were born in the 90's, and with the birth of the first child he did
sport quite a bit of Mickey Mouse One Pieces and such. But really, after he out grew them
as an infant, I was none too happy to be out of that fashion phase! If my boys were wearing
a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle T-shirt or Sesame Street Sweatshirt, I can almost guarantee a
grandparent, Aunt or Uncle bought it for them. I can't explain, I just DONT like it unless it's a
tastefully done applique for special occasion of sorts. I know, did I just commit social suicide for
admitting that (I think this secretly mortifies my Mother as well)?! Now, be kind, no hate mail
please;) I'll let you in on a little secret though, we do let FiFi wear jammies in whatever she
wants! Read on, trust me, I will make my point soon!
Do you remember that sweet little heart cutout dress that went viral last year?
little girls and there contagious energy! The cute little brunette there is no stranger to this blog.
Yes, she is the sassy little girl that walked in the SPFW event for us in 2012.
I fell in love with the dress along with everyone else! As a fan of the talented miss Shannon
and WOW did she knock this one out of the park! Not only is it the classic (fully lined bodice and
full skirt) design that is my more favorite of all, it allows you to celebrate a little bit of whimsy,
yet staying classy at the same time. I know, are you thinking, "they are just kids"? Yes, they
are, however I think we should embrace the classic MODEST style when we can with little ladies
(when the opportunity arises)!
The talented lady behind Sew Sly and I were chatting a few months later about the dress.
We discovered we both had the same great idea, let's try it with a Mouse Head! (Hint, hint, h
here's my point) I was shocked in myself that I wanted to make such thing. Yes, I love Disney, I
do, I do, but to design a dress around it, not my style whatsoever....once again, FiFi's love of
the Mouse was infectious, I wanted to do this for her, I just had too! Did I mention she asks to
go to Disney every single day for about two months now?!
After several pattern attempts and a couple prototype samples I have figured it out! Geesh, I
really need learn pattern design, I'm sure winging it was not the most efficient! Sounds simple
though, right? Just take the existing pattern I've used over and over (Mermaid Dress) and add a
silhouette. Ha, ha, joke was on me.
The dress was a little big on her, I assumed we could size up as she is another year older,
however the little bean pole apparently has not grown since the last dress I made! Anyhow,
without further ado, here is FiFi showing off her
Mouse Party Dress

A big Thanks to the one and only Amy Smith of Spark Babies Photography for the beautiful
photographs! Feel free to visit her Facebook page and let her know you loved the photos!
Dress Notes;
*A snap at the top will be added to keep the dress inline.
Dress can be purchased/preordered HERE
Be sure to check out our NEW website, along with the fabulous steals in the clearance Section!
For a all of you Disney Lovers, Here are a couple of sites you may appreciate!
Lastly, but not least, Trekaroo is hosting a Giveaway for a Disney Trip in Florida & California!
We've entered, so should you! Enter HERE
*In no way is FiFi Ruffles Affiliated with this Giveaway-we're just sharing the knowledge!