St. Pete Art and Fashion Week was here and (almost) gone in a flash (9/11-9/15)! My boutique participated in the festivities Woot-Woot! We had 9 little girls in the "Kid Kouture" show (9/14/12 at 7:50pm) as well as a vendor booth.
We kind of fell into being in the show at the last minute so I've been scrambling to get it all together and no time to blog about it before hand (sniff sniff). I talked my husband and sister into running the booth while I man the chaos of the show. Trust me, I think they had the easy part! We escaped with only small meltdowns..kiddos were ages 18mo to 4 years. Besides, 7:50 pm is not the most ideal time to have a show with toddlers in it but how could we pass this opp. up right?!
I had some pretty and sassy little ones in my line-up, in no particular order;
Sophia (FiFi) 18mo *Avianne 18mo * Joie 4 Yrs * Lily 2 Yrs * Abby 4 Yrs * Eva 2 Yrs* Morgan 4yrs * Jasamine 3 Yrs * Eliana 4 Yrs
Once I've gathered some "formal" pics I'll post them. In the meantime, here are some candids while hanging out waiting for show time to arrive.
There were 3 designers/boutiques total in the show (
Patuzi's, Curb Gear & Baby Boy Bodega). I originally thought I was the only one showing FALL (blushing).. was wondering will this make me stand out or look a little foolish?! Designers are just now creating styles for spring/summer a boutique I don't have anything to share (except for one dress by Franny Flinn). I decided I would show some of my new arrivals and challenge myself to come up with a couple new designs of my own! Girls sported designers such as; Mud Pie, Giggle Moon, Rare Editions & Franny Flinn (yes I know I already said this ;O). One of the little girls will be showing off a Halloween tutu from
Abby Lane TuTu Co as well. As the show went on I realized that the other designers were showing apparel that could easily work for the fall--I felt much better!
I had originally designed two outfits but at the last minute I had an issue with one of the dresses and decided I would show it another time. Both designs were simple but I "jazzed" them up and made them my own! I really like quirky patterns and odd pairings.
This is a peasant top and matching bubble skirt. My little FiFi wore this little number. I really wanted to make one for myself but I was told that people may think I have fallen off my rocker :O. I discovered this fabric designer on
Fabricworm quite awhile ago and stashed it away until I could find an event worthy. The fabric is nice and heavy and great quality..let's not get me started on the illustrations!! Oh Alexander Henry I love you!!
The top is made with
Alexander Henry, The Ghastlies, A Ghastlie Angle Deadly Mauve. My favorite of all, a little bubble skirt in Alexander Henry, The Ghastlies Deadly Mauve (the baby in the carriage is my favorite part!)
The next number was pillowcase dress. Oh I know what you are thinking, not another pillowcase dress?!! I purchased this pattern as a flower themed dress...however I turned it into this delight!! I'm a native Vermonter (
Burlington), born and raised there. I moved to St. Pete, Fl in 2004. I would say the thing I miss most (other than family) is FALL (and Christmas of course!)...I'm only showing parts of the dress, as it is not finished ;O

Now doesn't this remind you of that?!
I made this in a size 3T so I wouldn't talk myself into keeping it for Sophia. Every time I make something I like, I end up keeping it instead of selling!
My husband and I are proud to have participated in an event that will benefited
The Children's Dream Fund. This is a fantastic Charity that give seriously ill children a chance to make their biggest dreams come true. Franny Flinn had so generously donated a dress to raffle off during the event at our table. Amazingly enough, no tickets were purchased. I have decided to continue the raffle online and in store for the rest of the month. Tickets are $2.00. Proceeds will be donated to this fund. We were also happy to have one of the Dream Funds "kids" in our show (I am not identifying the child for their privacy). We hope that this experience has brought happiness and fond memories for her and her family.
Tah-Ta for now ;P